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Kryon. Brand strategy, Storytelling, Logo, Visual Identity + website.
When robots do what they’re best at, people can, too.
A lot of things people have to do at work amount to drudgery. For years now, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has held out the promise of robots as being perfectly suited to take on those kinds of tasks so people can do what they do best: Think. Imagine. Dream.
Kryon is helping to make that promise come true. There are plenty of players in this incredible young industry, but none is as forward-thinking as Kryon. Their ideas of how RPA can transform the very nature of work reveal them to be true visionaries as well as tech geniuses, but their brand just didn’t reflect this. For an RPA company, they have a heck of a lot of passion, and our task was to express that, and soul, in every facet of their brand.

We knew Kryon had an extraordinary product and ambitions to be an industry leader, and in the course of our interviews, conversations, and strategy sessions, it became clear how their goals might be realized. Because by using robotics and AI to reduce and even eliminate complex, time-consuming processes, Kryon sets people free. Free to look at the big picture and steer their organization more effectively. Free to dream up new products and services. Free to be more agile and responsive to customer needs. Essentially, Kryon helps companies be the superhero version of themselves. With a manifesto that thoroughly captured this insight, the tagline nearly wrote itself: Be your future.

Technology and humanity in perfect harmony
Kryon’s existing color palette worked well, so we kept it to maintain a connection to where they had been. But we dropped “Systems” from their name to make them more approachable and less technocratic. After exhaustive exploration, we evolved their logo, too, so it struck just the right balance of science and soul. Once the new logo was set, an entirely new visual identity system followed. We delivered a comprehensive set of materials, including business cards, letterhead, envelopes, and PowerPoint templates.

Transforming marketing materials for a company that will transform the marketplace
Once we had an approved design approach, we applied it to various marketing materials to really bring the brand to life. Sell sheets? Check. Company profile? Check. Print and digital? Double check. And the website, too.

There’s not one byte of Kryon’s 40-page+ website that was untouched by their new brand. The first step was to develop the information architecture to make sure everything the site had to contain was presented in a way that ensured a good user experience. Then we worked closely with Kryon to edit the extensive copy on the site to make sure it spoke in the new brand voice. Next, we designed the site and incorporated all the elements of the new brand, including stock photography and an updated branded robot character. Finally, we developed the site on WordPress, prepared for both desktop and responsive design on all platforms.

Once we completed all the project deliverables, we provided Kryon with a 20-page brandbook so anyone who touches the brand knows how to present it correctly. Because a brand is only as good as the version of it that consumers see, right? A great brand is presented consistently, every single time. And a brandbook shows you how to do that.