- Technology
Apple. Campaign.
Telling the iPhone story to a business world that hadn’t heard it yet.
Now that the iPhone has become absolutely ubiquitous, it’s easy to forget that it started as a challenger to the Blackberry, which was as dominant and beloved in its day as the iPhone is now. So Apple wanted to show businesses how other businesses of all sizes were using the iPhone in their day-to-day operations by creating case study videos and featuring them on their website. As a major pharmaceutical company, Novartis provided a very compelling example, giving the iPhone instant credibility.

The iPhone changed the business world because it was a fantastic product that worked. And that makes a great story.
Eitan was called in to be the senior writer on the project and worked directly with the folks at Apple. Together, they developed a story based on a series of interviews that detailed how Novartis was facilitating communication between patients and physicians…and protecting and saving lives in the process. In this video, we also wanted to highlight how Novartis was not simply using the iPhone internally, but was building apps for the wider community, too.
The result? Well, today, you know the result.
The campaign that this video was part of ultimately led to this fantastic device changing the world, including the world of business. And it was a great honor to play even a very small part in that. Take a look – it looks especially great on an iPhone…