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When I was but a young boy growing up in hong kong, two albums defined my childhood. Both were israeli albums. My listening to them was influenced by my brother who is significantly older than me. He used to play these albums back to back. The first was a children’s album called ‘the sixteenth lamb’. Or in hebrew, הכבש השישה עשר. I listen to it to this day, not just because I’m a father now playing it for ben. But because everything you need to know about life is in that album. Whether it’s about the sound of thunder and how it makes you feel, or homeless people and how you shouldn’t avoid them, the perils of arguing with friends, the benefit of listening to your parents, or the things to think about when you go to bed and can’t fall asleep.
The other album was a compilation of arik einstein’s music. Arik einstein passed away yesterday. For those in the world who have never heard this name, allow me to express what a sad day it is in israel. This man was not just the voice of israel. He embodied israel. He brought generations together through song, generosity, creativity, and was quite literally our john lennon with decades of songs that everyone here knows all the words to. He was the very coolest of cats and his voice and lyrics are imprinted in the minds of everyone who considers themselves an israeli. I still remember the first time I heard ‘go slow’. Or in hebrew, sa le’at – סע לאט. A plea for people to just be, enjoy, and appreciate the things around them. Just take it easy. Go slow. Like he always did.
It’s a sad day in israel today without you, arik.
From all of us here, we miss you.
Please click on the link below to see arik sing.
Sa le’at.