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Hi world.
Allow us to re-introduce ourselves.
Yes, our natie brand underwent a facelift and this past June we debuted our new look. The whole team worked like gangbusters to create our logo, showreel, stationery, business cards, re-vamped website and some nutty animations.
None of this happened overnight. Our own brand identity kept getting pushed by the wayside as we worked on the day-to-day of our own clients’ needs. (you know, the shoemaker walks barefoot). But in the end, we made it happen — a true labor of love, fueled by many espressos, more than our fair share of Dina’s homemade cookies, and of course, creative passion.
So what goes into creating a visual identity for a brand, you might wonder? Well, a lot of thinking first. Then some more thinking. And then more. Eventually, hundreds of sketches later, a logo comes together that answers what we feel, to us, is right and true. In our case, we worked hard to design something simple, yet memorable.
With logo in hand, we brought the brand to life through animations that we reflected our personality. We added color, spun it around some, bounced it up and down and gave it some music to dance to. We dropped the animations on social media as teasers before the launch of the new website and it felt good to get such a great reaction. (if you missed them, check them out here and get your groove on).
We created a showreel to showcase our animation know-how and story-telling superpowers. We compiled a slew of past projects we’ve done solo or great partners and agencies, and set them to seriously sweet beats with help from Daniel Friedman. Turn up the volume and take a look here.
Next came the stationery and business cards. All the crew got their own individual lines with everyone weighing in on the writing, so that every word on every card hit the sweet spot and stayed true to who they were representing. The result:
Now you’ve got no excuses.
Reach out and come to the studio for a coffee.
Last but not least, our website. Designed, written and developed by yours truly, check it out and take a look at some of the work that we’ve been privileged to produce. Stick around and get to know the team and catch a glimpse of the world through our eyes.
Things are looking good in Natie land.
’til the next post.